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Inspirational Times Newspaper Minnesota Christian Newspaper

October Message Of The Month

How Do I Become Born Again?


Everyone is going to live forever. The question is where will you live? If you are not a born again Christian with your name written in the Lamb’s book of Life then you will be cast into the lake of fire, hell . Many think they just need to be a good person and/or go to church. There is only one way into heaven and that is surrendering your life to Jesus Christ. You must be born again. You can go to church 7 days a week and give 10 million dollars a year to the poor and your acts will not get you there. We as people cannot do enough by works to reach heaven on our own because we are born into sin. We must be washed clean of that sin in the blood of Jesus Christ.

  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth , and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.  John 14:6

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.       Acts 2:38

There are those that know they have not said the prayer and surrendered their life to Jesus, and those that aren’t sure if they are saved and born again. If your not sure you might as well make sure.  All you have to do accept the invitation from Jesus Christ to be born again. You don’t have to do anything first. Come just like you are. He doesn’t care where you are or what you’re doing right now. He will help you get your life right after you fully surrender your whole life to Him. You must fully surrender everything to Him. Know there is nothing too big that He can’t handle. You just have to give yourself to Him fully.

Hopefully you are here because you are ready to surrender your life and be born again, or maybe you would like to rededicate your life to Jesus. I would be honored to help. Just say this prayer and truly mean it and be willing to let Him change your life.

  Lord Jesus Christ,

I come to You now ready to accept your offer to be born again. I admit I am a sinner and confess my sins to you. I choose to turn away from sin and surrender my life, my heart, my soul, and my body to You Lord. Take it all and make me a new creature in You. I accept that You are the Son of God that died on the cross to save me from my sins and was resurrected. Wash me in the blood of the Lamb and cleanse me Lord of all unrighteousness. I surrender all to You Lord and call upon Your Holy name and declare that I am born again, a child of the One True God, and have been washed clean of all my sin, saved by faith in You and the glory of Your sacrifice on the cross that day. I give You my whole life, past, present, and future and everything in it good and bad. I choose You and will follow You all the days of my life. Baptize me in the Holy Spirit and in the fire Lord. Fill me with You.  In Jesus name, Amen

If you just said that prayer, please email us and let us know. We are honored to have you as a new brother or sister in Christ. We would be honored to help you with any questions you have. We would love to rejoice with you.

Rev. Demetrius Langford

Demetrius Langford Ministries



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