God wants us to succeed in life. He wants us to grow, find joy, and return to live with Him one day. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, so we could be strengthened in our trials and challenges. These 20 Bible verses inspire and teach us how to rely on Jesus and find the peace, courage, and strength to live His gospel.
Inspirational Times Newspaper is dedicated to sharing encouragement with the Body of Christ in Minnesota. That encouragement finds its way through articles of hope, stories of God’s work in personal lives and in “word snapshots” of local ministries in what they are doing to serve the community.
Verse of the Day
Thursday, September 12, 2024
John 3:16 NIV
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Thank You Tony G
This was posted on my Christian newspaper I wanted to say Thank you Tony G. for these kind and beautiful words. May you and your family be blessed today and this week, until we meet again for a new blessing.
Rev. Demetrius Langford
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