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When God is Silent

When God is Silent

Have you endured a trial feeling that God was no where to be found? Why would God suddenly withdraw when He promised to never leave or forsake you? Many people, including myself, have experienced this silence. I have suffered through many trials over the past two years, while God has seemed DISTANT. Instead of being in the driver’s seat guiding me through His Spirit, I feel as if I am driving alone in the dark. His silence has been DEAFENING. I have read every post on God’s silence I can find on the internet, but none have helped me. I know God is working all around me and through others, but sometimes I feel He is no longer working through me. Have you ever felt like this? 

Over the past two years, I have suffered from foot pain, bursitis, neck and back pain. Sometimes only one of these ailments hurt, but other times they all hurt. Being a chronic pain sufferer for over 15 years, I have had these problems before. The only difference in this two year trial has been God’s silence. I have learned to deal with the chronic pain, but God’s silence has made the past 2 years difficult. Even though God seems silent, He has answered some of my prayers, but I long to hear His still small voice. I want Him to tell me what to post on this blog. I want Him to tell me the direction I am to go with my ministry. So what have I done during this silent period? I have learned to wait. One of my 5 New Year’s Resolutions is WAIT.

Even when God seems silent, He has lessons to teach us. I have learned that His silence can be just as sweet as His voice. God’s silence has taught me how to listen in a different way. I am going to teach you what to do when God seems silent, because He promises to never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).

What to do when God is Silent


When God is not answering your prayers or is silent about the direction for your life, look to His Word to seek instruction. God will always speak through His Word. You might not find the answer you are looking for, but you will hear the Holy Spirit guide you as you read. You can also learn how others have handled God’s silence. I recommend reading the Psalms during this time. King David experienced silence from God on many occasions. In Psalm 10, David asks the Lord why He stands afar off? Even though God does not answer, David still prays. Never stop praying during times of silence.

God is also silent with Job as He goes through his suffering. Job lost his children, his livestock, and his servants. Then, Satan attacked his body with boils, yet Job stays faithful to God. Even when God finally answers Job at the end of the book, God never tells him why he suffered. Even though this is an unpopular topic in many churches today, God will allow you to suffer. He will also allow you to suffer more than you can bear, because He wants you to learn to lean on Him. The trials in life allow us to become more Christ-like. It also produces endurance. Many of my trials last longer than I want them too. They can go ON and ON and ON and ON and ON. Get the picture!!

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4 (NASB)


When I experience silence from God, I always confess my sins to the Lord. God’s silence is not necessarily caused by sin, as you can learn from the book of Job, but it is a good place to start.


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